Tuesday, August 17, 2010

flagstaff tuesday 17th

We we were up and out the door around 8:15 weather was warm and no clouds to be seen. Met some firefigthters in Bluff Utah at a gas station. They were from Louisianna, they also suggested we travel highway 163 instead of 160, exellent choice. The highway ran through the heart of Navajo Land but Monument Valley was the coolest, what beautiful scenery. At a gas stop it was suggested that we stop at this navajo resturant and try a real Navajo Taco, well it was really good but shit it was bigger then Mom's apple pie. Again the feed you to much, getting the hint, lots of food = big people and cheap prices. Made into Flagstaff and into the Harley dealership for a new rear tire, sucker was worn out. Okay gramma not totally worn out but time for a new one.lol. Had a good visit with my sister and the boys. Weather is kinda in the crapper right now, hoping for a change in the weather in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. well i guess u should lay off the "smoke shows" eh? lol j.k. scenery looks really nice such a nice place to go. is that like .75 cents a litre in canada?
