Thursday, August 19, 2010

aug 19th day 19

Went back in time today....22 minutes back to Goldfield. Camera was fully charged and got some great shots of the silver mine town. An old fire station was open so we got to poke around there and talk to some locals. Saw the wild horses, in the distance, but they were there....
Headed west to Beaton, on to Lee Vining for lunch. Rode through Yosimite National Park, full of alpine meadow and wild flowers. Didn't see any wildlife but followed a couple "spleen removers" for a few miles. Amazingly different rock formation and forests. Exiting the park we rode down an amazing canyon, zig zagging into a little town called Groveland. On the road for an hour longer, we called it a day and are spending the night in Oakdale, California. Tomorrow it will be about an hour and a half ride to SanFransico.

This car was at the gas station in Tonopah, the chick driving it did 323mph at the Bonneville salt flats.

This guy rode up to a bike store we were in.

Apparently this hotel is haunted it made Ghost stories three times, it was actually on tv at this little gas and beer store we stopped at.

If you can guess what this is last pic is I'll buy you 5 rums at Kanes or a box of buds. Its in a mining town but has nothing to do with mining.


  1. is the little biulding a sewage treatment plant? lol i dont think it is but its my guess. i like teh guy on the pedal bike. arizona is nice. eh.
