Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day two cont

Picture of a barn in Sorrento, look closely and you will see why Linda took the picture, Snapped a pic of Linda, think she was trying to finger me, don't know why thou. This is our campground in Revelstoke KOA, six trains went through during the night. I think all KOA's are built near train tracks... wooooohoooo all night long.


  1. I looked at the picture of the barn for awhilem, but i still couldnt see what i was supposed to see. That is a sweet excavator!
    PS Brenda is disapointed that there are no animals on the overpass yet. haha

  2. Katmay and I also looked at the barn for a while. Couldn't figure it out, our only idea is that there is a huge bees nest in tree on the left.
