Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today we left Ottawa, it was a glorious day, they had afire truck escort us to the city boundry and then a copper the rest of the way to the highway. NBC was there in a helicopter filming the whole ride out of town. We stopped at a memorial site they were building for fallen soldiers, 1979 to present for middle east conflicts ... that was sad, more names on the wall then then people in the town we live in. We are suppose to learn from our mistakes... guess not yet. The ride through Chicago was a little hairy but I will let my guest writer explain.

We were getting close to Toledo and getting fuel, looked like it might rain. One of the dickheads in the group said it was just a sprinkle and that the squall would blow past, so we didn't put our rain gear on......... it was a down pour for two hundred freakin kilometers, I mean it really rained, needless to say our leathers probably won't be dry tomorrow, and the guys won't be happy. Wow the power of persuasion. Ya it cost me a few beers. Hotel looks really good, but hey lipstick on a pig is just a pretty pig. Roof leaks, showers are bad and Carl opened the hallway door and pulled the handle off. That was a good laugh.
Short on pictures due to the best boy grip didn't charge the batteries,does that bring back memories Hun...

Riding through the out skirts of Chicago, the stations brought their rigs to the overpasses and set up there ladders in a big arch, light going and all the good stuff, it was pretty impressive, brothers and sisters showing there support for our ride. Sorry no pics of that, maybe if they do it again we will get pic's.

and now from our guest writer Rosemarie
Well I have learned two things on this ride so far never pass up an opportunity to pee, and never drink tequila with Micky. Having a great time but driving through Chicago was very scary but we lived to tell about it.

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