Sunday, September 4, 2011

couple days late

Well its been a whirl wind we have missed acouple days do to time and well just didn't want to sit in front of the computer.
After we left Post Falls, Idaho we stopped in a little town of Wallace Idaho, had breakfast there, but the main reason for the stop was its history. The town dates way back to the mining days but it was known for its Brothels. All the Brothels are gone today but the buildings still remain. We wondered around met some friendly locals and had a good breakfast, Jonesy had biscuits and gravey, ( my fav). Back on the road and heading to Billings, the weather through the pass in Idaho was spectacularlly cold, the day was sunny but it really didn't get that warm.

Well here is where the day gets interesting, just around Butte Montana we pull in for fuel, I know you Harley guys aren't gonna believe this, the nay sayers are gonna say not possible but one of the bikes had developed an oil leak. Ya I know say it isn't so, but it did happen. so we bought generic oil from the gas station and limped to a Harley Dealership and bought some good oil. We didn't change it there we wanted to find where the leak was so we had them clean the bike and away we went down the road. About a hundred clicks in we pulled into a small town and checked, still no luck in finding the leak so we changed the oil out. We final pulled into another Harley Dealership and had them look, they figured the leak was from the rear seal in the primary, they top the oil up said its not that bad and just keep an eye on it. And away we went again heading towards our destination of Billings.
Does everbody have enough gas , ya ummhuh well it didn't work out that way so we are gonna run out of gas soon, luck is still on our side there as sign gas next stop, woohoo we pull in its closed, wow a barrage of bad words and we a good laugh and while we were sitting there this guy drive in with a pickup full of stuff. We said hey station closed. he said he had enough to get to the next stop. We jokingly asked hey you wouldn't have some gas in a can and he said ya, no seriously do you got gas and he said ya, so we got the five gallons plus and split it between the three bike to make it to the next stop. Now is that shit house luck or what. Gave the guy some money shook his hand, had a good laugh with a whew in there and away we went. We finally made it into Billings around 9:30 that night, needless to say a very long but interesting day

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