Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sturgis day four

So here we are in Sturgis, bike week is long past town is really quiet. The ride in was beautiful again a sunny day but still really chilly, fully layered up. We stopped at the little Big Horn Monument site. That is where Custer got his ass whooped and killed. We sat and listened to a speaker about the battle and well after awhile squirrel mode kicked and up we got and wondered around the site. Grave markers are all over the site, where a soldier died there was a marker placed in the exact location, kinda spooky. In the site there is another grave area for soilders of past wars from the state of Montana buried there, Also one for the horses that were shot, marked in the spot were they were killed in the battle. Very sad, when you walk through these sites there is one thing you realize....

Freedom is not Free.......

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