Weather has been really good, no rain always sunny and hot, locals say we have been really lucky.
So the last two days we've been busy. We caught the blue train into the Chelsea District, got off and walked to 24 to walk the High Line. It is an above ground raised train line, this line was used to bring cows to the slaughter houses and flour to Nabisco along with turkeys and some produce. This was built in the 30's and ran up until 1980. After the 80's it sat rusting away until a group got it and turned it into a walkway, It wil be ten blocks long in june when the open the second section. A really wonderful walk and a great view of that particular part of the city.
We then caught the blue train down to Times Square, wondered over to the Empire State Building and bought tickets to go on the sky ride and then an elevator ride to the 86th floor. After we got our tickets we headed to a ticket box office( stubhub) and bought tickets to a Yankees ball game. Went back home and change to some warmr cloths and headed to the game. The ride to the game took three trains, let me tell you the underground world of New York is just as big and amazing as the City itself.
Well Yankee Stadium is everthing it is billed as, big, amazing and well run. We had tickets on the third base line, 12 rows up. Yankee fans are more fanatic then hockey fans and the are absolutey ruthless when it comes to the players not playing well. I mean crazy like.....
The Empire State building tour was impressive to say the least. We went on the sky ride, it is a imax stationary roller coaster that moves with a helicopter flight filming the city, if you get motion sickness, I would suggest not going on it. View and pictures from the top were amazing, it is a crazy huge city when you look at it from that high up, lots of green space on the roofs of many of the high rises.
We also attended a tattoo convention before going to a Broadway play. Saw some crazy shit at the convention, and some really wild tattoo's, oh ya Linda got a tatty. The Broadway play show cased Robin Williams in Bengal Tiger, a zoo in Bagdad. What an intense play it was about a tiger, the war, and soldiers in Baghdad and they all ended up dead through out the play and were transformed into ghost. Really moving stuff.
Well thats it for today, Will post some more later tonight.